Week 5: Teeny tiny baby steps Fetal development in pregnancy week 5:embryo in second month The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks. Growth is now largely focused on their little head, which is starting to develop much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very crucial and rapid development in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions. As for the rest of their miniature body, what were simple limb buds last week are limb flippers this week and the tail is more expressed. Amazingly, within a mere five weeks your little miracle is already developing the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their little heart is already increasing its circulation. Your baby is now a whopping 4-6mm in length. - owhh...masih kecik anakku ini...Ya Allah, kau peliharalah dia dalam kandunganku sehingga akhirnya..sempurnakanlah makhlukMu ini ya Allah..-
And how's mom doing? Your body is still adjusting to the increased amount of hormones and you are probably pretty much experiencing the same symptoms as last week. Still, some women will start feeling the joys of morning sickness set in this week (see Week 4 for specific symptom details). Don’t worry if your areolas are make sure you fully cook all your meat, wash your fruits and veggies clean, keep away from cat litter and wear gloves if you’re going to work with any soil. darkening this is a perfectly normal response to the hormonal changes in your body. - Ya Allah, jgnlah Kau berikan alahan yg teruk pada hambaMu ini.. :(-
Also start having someone else changing the kitty litter for you. Avoiding this chore will keep you from the remote chance of contracting Toxoplasmosis. Toxo is a parasite that is only very rarely found in fecal matter of vermin and rodent-eating felines. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to get rid of your cat. Also, make sure you fully cook all your meat, wash your fruits and veggies clean, keep away from cat litter and wear gloves if you’re going to work with any soil. See facts about toxoplasmosis for more information. -
syok la 2 3 hari ni, ngadap web2 tang pregnancy jer..
ya, aku mmg jangak tang ini pregnancy..tp, harusla kan...first time maaa...:)
4 ulasan:
so sweet.....Congrats yer Odah sebab pregnant...akak ni entah bila lah Allah nak bg rezeki bg Mia adik...hembus2 sikit kat sini lah...
best kan...beraya dalam perut ade baby...hehe...syiokkk...
seronoknya baca..hehe..take care kay
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